Modern Winged Victory Sculptures Delivered:
Visionary, Nike Naiad LXVI
This Naiad figure shows a woman who found her true strength in leading others to work together and accomplish great goals. The essence of feminine inhabits a dancing undulating form.
Endurance, Nike Naiad LXIV
This Naiad Nike figure has begun to nurture herself in a season of growth. Her wings represent her great warm embrace and comforting encouragement for all those she meets.
Metamorphosis, Nike Naiad LXIII
This Naiad figure shows a woman who had a personal transformation as she conquered her fears and faced her demons. The front is a woman, the back a butterfly; the wings symbolize movement, flight and transformation. As I was working on this, the client suggested that I add definition between the upper and lower wings for accuracy, and I think that detail really improved the final work.
Mother and Son, Nike Naiad LXIX
This Naiad sculpture is a story of loss and recovery. This man was adopted as a baby. He looked far and wide for his birth mother for many years, had several DNA tests and finally, after many failed attempts, he found her. His mother had been told that the baby died at birth, so she was really surprised to hear from him! The reunion was joyful and completed a missing part of both lives.
Creative, Nike Naiad LXV
This Naiad figure symbolizes the essence of theater: the cape reflects the comedy/tragedy masks and the drapery of the costumes. She gathers and supports those in her charge and leads them to heights of dramatic expression.
“Ruth loves it!” -Norm C. and Ruth
Protection, Nike Naiad LXII
This Naiad figure’s greatest strength was in supporting and encouraging others She would see an idea and push and poke and guide until creativity took hold and the idea came to life.
Each sculpture is a completed Nike Naiad Figure, commissioned by a client. Each story is below the figure so you can see how the client’s experiences are represented and symbolized. I would love to know what you think!
Tell me which one is your favorite- Contact me!